Neu: Testzugänge zu APA PsychTherapy & APA PsychTests // Test access to APA PsychTherapy & APA PsychTests

Text: Ronja Gottschling

Bis zum 02. Juni 2024 haben Sie die Möglichkeit, die beiden Datenbanken PsychTherapy und PsychTests der American Psychological Society (APA) zu testen.

Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie das Testangebot nutzen, ebenso über Feedback, das Sie gerne an senden können.


Until June 2nd, you have the opportunity to test the two databases APA PsychTherapy and APA PsychTests.

  • APA PsychTherapy
    APA PsycTherapy is a streaming video database of therapy demonstrations with more than 300 videos showing various treatment approaches.
    APA PsycTherapy is intended for educational purposes, specifically in clinical training and counselor education.
    Direct access link
    More information on the database:

We would be delighted if you take advantage of the test offer, as well as welcome feedback to

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